I ain’t Scared of no PC Trolls – I mean Ghosts or Snark not, for the snark shall snark for thee.

Sometimes something gets picked up after its been sat on a shelf for a while. It’s on the shelf, but on display; prized and beloved and there to be admired for what it is, something very special that sits in all its glory. Not necessarily touched often, but always there. And then it happens.


It’s really hard when it happens. I get it, I do that all the time. Whether you’re an aspie and its your special topic (books, film and telly saved me and continue to do so on a daily basis) or you’re a normy normal, when that something you hold dear is taken up and done in such a way that shocks you and renders it alien….. That. Hurts. Anyone with the misfortune of being around me before Christmas had the words THATS NOT MY PADDINGTON >~< shouted in their faces. I adore Ben Wishaw, I think he's beautiful and a wonderful actor. But that CG mess? Na. Uh. I mean SERIOUSLY??? If you're going to render Paddington to be realistic, SPEND A FEW BUCKS, no half measures leaving my poor, dear bear lost in…. But that's not what this one is about. But see how easy it is to lose the head when it's something you truly love?

So when a Ghostbusters sequel becomes a possibility, dusted off gently with its original cast, though it isn't one of my bestys I was pleased. If they behaved themselves and didn't Crystal Skull the shit  out of it it had all the potential to delight some more. But it was obviously not meant to be. When Harold Ramis passed it was clear that his fellow 'busters lost someone special and the appeal of picking up the proton packs again and seeing an insurmountable and unfillable gap was too much for them to bear. Again, you understand, and you grieve for the loss of someone special.

But what if someone steps up and says hold on now… What If? Well, then it can either go on, or go away. There are twists and tribulations with both of those paths. Tears and, if like me, tantrums. Okay. Not tantrums. Downright hissy fits. So when Paul Feige tipped his cap and said he was bringing his chum Kristen Wiig I was with him. When he said, well actually I'm going all girl I thought cast well and this could be brilliant.

We are living in an age when funny women are plenty and doing so bloody well. Not in the background, not just the quirky girlfriend or foil to some overpaid and unfunny chauvinist doofus, making dimwitted dull duds. You all know the ones. Wiig is a massive part of this, she is incredibly talented and I think a massive plus in any flick. She brings herself, and none can do what she does. So I was ALL in. ALL IN.

I was excited for what could be. The prospect of funny women taking something forward on their own terms. In a sci-fi context no less. I always cast greenlit flicks in my head. Books and movies are entwined in my mind, and I put myself in the casting directors chair. Not gonna lie, I'm good. Hathaway as Catwoman? In the costume for funsies, sure. Being catwoman entirely? Homegirl isn't fit to lick Eartha Kitts boot. OLIVIA MUNN OR OLIVIA WILDE YOU MORONS.

ANYWAY. Sadly I am not a Casting Director. I should be, because I would be GENIUS. And often the people in that role make a move and it goes a bit astray. In this case it's more the Director's bit, or world that is brought forth. So when the remaining three spots were filled with the ladies of SNL today, I thought alright. Being in the UK I am guilty of not paying that show very much attention, but I am of course aware of it, but given its set talent it is a sort of predictable move. Disappointed, I thought to myself oh well. Sadly they were lost in the subject of many a hissy fit in the guise of  stories that covered the web in snark.

Snark is not for the faint hearted, it is something best left to those such as yours truly, your friendly neighbourhood StuntMog. When I throw all kinds of shade on things it is through whole hearted pique. Sure I hate on things, I can be hateful at times but this is never, ever directed with malintent or blunt ignorance in pure and disgustingly hurtful and vile. The ill spirits in which the words Melissa McCarthy and cast in Ghostbusters were unavoidable. There were some people no better than sentient farts with fingers tapping at touch screens, all of whom you hope and pray never find the means to reproduce (one can dream), all opening their mouths and letting their belly rumble. These are the days of every thought being out and onscreen and, thusly rendered, set loose to float about and land square between the eyes of similarly moronic mouthpieces. Ladies and germs I give you the Daily Fail, The Titty Bun and their readership. Bike.

However, I am of a mind with them. The stomach turns at the thought of this. But I don't like Melissa McCarthy. Not because she's plus sized (am not far off myself), but because I don't find her funny. She comes under the same irksome ilk of Miranda- unfunny blundering scenery chewing women who are clearly very bright but demean themselves by mugging about to camera to a laugh track. They make me angry because I know it can be better.

But it would seem that expressing this opinion falls under the collumn of being anti feminist. That old chestnut. Whether you categorise yourself as a feminist or not, that McCarthy makes the cut over dozens of other women infinitely more talented it is a kick in the teeth. A female cast for Ghostbusters really could have been so much more, and women, OTHER WOMEN jumping down the throats (safe in their ivory tower scowling down at The Sexist Pigs from beind their gasping and tutting keys) of people daring to say they dislike McCarthy (not funny) is frankly ridiculous. In the spirit of proof, and to meet the diatribes of the commentairiates (for they are legion, one amorphous glob under Kay Burley/Nigel Farage/Paul Dacre)
Some women are funny. Some aren't. It is not sexist or sizeist to say you don't like someone, so long as your reason for stating so isn't based on gender or BMI. In that spirit, I give you the women in the same correlation as Eartha Kitt v's Anne Hathaway:
– Sarah Silverman
– Bridget Christie
– Olivia Coleman
– Anna Faris
– Janeane Garofolo
– Kat Dennings
– Emma Stone
– Rebel Wison
– Anna Kendrick
– Kirstie Alley
– Isla Fisher
– Kathy Bates
– Julie Walters
– Kristin Schaal
– Jennifer Coolidge
– Emma Thompson
– Tasmin Greig
– Shosia Mamet

2 thoughts on “I ain’t Scared of no PC Trolls – I mean Ghosts or Snark not, for the snark shall snark for thee.

  1. I love reading your blog, but I must admit, the way you infuse all your energy into your writing style sends my brain into a head spin.Either way, keep on keeping on, I am looking forward to reading more.

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